White Hat Dev. with legal background in another life.
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carbideinserts-2 vouched for DarkResolver
https://www.estoolcarbide.com/ [lathe carbide inserts] https://www.estoolcarbide.com/product/high-quality-cemented-carbide-drilling-inserts-tpmt220612r-22-tpmt220612r-23-tpmt16t312r-22-tpmt16t312r-23-for-deep-hole-machining/ [TPMT Carbide Inserts] https://abrahamboy.exblog.jp/ [carbide welding rods] https://williamisi.exblog.jp/ [carbide round rod] https://ryanberger.exblog.jp/ [surface milling inserts] https://brentwilli.exblog.jp/ [tungsten rod sharpener] http://various-styles.doorblog.jp/ [http://various-styles.doorblog.jp/] http://wide.blog.jp/ [http://wide.blog.jp/]
DarkResolver joined Bitrated
- 0.02 BTC base fee
+ 1.5% dispute fee - 1 total vouches
- hacker, coder, developer, juris, engineer, crypto anarchist, lover of people, german, english, chinese
- Tf9gppKy7ubD12vJfGoifbHPY7xEfHhw7KV
Somewhere sipping a Mai Thai on a sandy beach coding, trading, reading. Not easily defrauded (math wins). If you are the type with a sob story, pick another arbitrator, due your due diligence prior to executing your trade, I will certainly do mine if the need arises. All types of trades welcome. All access to any information will only be accessed from a HARDENED computer running in a temporary VirtualMachine behind many VPNs or Tor as the case may be. TLSnotary will be used when needed. Domain Name Transfers Darknet transaction Bitcoin Bond Regular Escrow Creative Multifaceted transactions. The best way to keeping your information secret in case of a dispute is by lessening, in my opinion, the greatest risk after deal failure (where confidentiality needs are absolute): the arbitrators ability to be privately hit with a NSL (national security letter) or other official request that one cannot refuse.