Activity feed

chongsetdmt-2 vouched for DSW7

No matter what you are going through, I wish that all the bad things go away from you and happiness comes to you. Have a nice day dear! Thanks you for voted my site about DC fuse, DC SPD:

Beaknuke70 vouched for DSW7

Only known Dawn for a short while, she is also a member of the facebook bitcoin community where we have shared experiences of bitcoin loan projects.

DSW7 vouched for Beaknuke

I have always found Beaknuke to be a relieble and trusted member of the BTCjam and BTCpop communities, with a great sense of humor as well!

DSW7 vouched for St4yInTH3D4rk

Dominic is one of the amazing BTCpop gentlemen. When I had some technical difficulties, he helped me to find my way out of a tight spot… Even though the issue was related to a different P2P site. He is awesome.

DSW7 linked an external account

DSW7 linked an external account

DSW7 linked an external account

DSW7 linked an external account

DSW7 linked an external account

DSW7 joined Bitrated