Cyclo31Honest self-employed individual activity0 reviews2 vouches4 accountsLinked accountsPayPal verifiedStephen Kochjar JrCreated 20 years agoTwitter 38 followers8Cyclo8 (::::Cyclo::::)Created 12 years agoGitHub 0 starscyclo-techtwisterCreated 8 years agoFacebookStephen KochjarRank ranked #1388, top 1%Web of Trust 2 total vouchesTags light coding, bitcoin mining, webmasterJoined Bitrated 8 years agoSIN Tf2SzmTUM7Ao3ap6piAA3ai2ErSdUVyYGfe Been in the Bitcoin community for over two years.. I run my own mining rigs and do a little trading..I am recently starting a Auction site similar to ebay…