DMA0 vouched for BobbyAxelrod
Crypto is his talent, very positive interaction
rethera0 vouched for BobbyAxelrod
Joined Bobby and Onex capital a few months ago and today participated in a pool for an ICO. Clear communication, there when I have questions and transparant in the way he does things. Thumbs up!
inetcfg0 vouched for BobbyAxelrod
Smooth escrow experience using PrimaBlock - would do it again.
chad7770 vouched for BobbyAxelrod
Professional and fast. 10/10
Mdlugo0 vouched for BobbyAxelrod
Bobby provided a great escrow experience. Everything was smooth and bobby was very knowledgeable.
Bobby Axelrod
- 5 total, 100% positive
- 5 total vouches
- daytrader, trader, marketer, internet marketing, cryptocurrency trader, altcoin trader, altcoins
- Texm9AAUjaoePqCyyYBgvkq85ALRxcq3urK
OneX Discord: https://discord.gg/F6CZjM3
I’m willing to help escrow any transactions for a small fee. The more clear and understandable the contracts are, the easier they are to manage. Including all relevant details and timelines in the contract helps.