BTCrevolution29Bitcoin Trader and Entrepreneur activity0 reviews2 vouches2 accountsLinked accountsLocalBitcoins 100% positivebtc-atmCreated 10 years agoTwitter 113 followersBTCMerchantSvcs (BTC Merchant Svcs)Created 10 years agoAgent fees 0.01% base fee+ 0.25% dispute feeRank ranked #1466, top 1%Web of Trust 2 total vouchesTags escrow agent, bitcoin, btc, trusted feedback, usa, 100% satisfaction guaranteedJoined Bitrated 10 years agoSIN TfKQRPvjt1n2jhqEM9fLutzfJ9nL21wjN4P Active participant in the BTC revolution. In the process of launching a bitcoin merchant services company and providing liquidity on multiple bitcoin trading platforms. Multi-sig is my thing, deal with escrow transaction on a daily basis.