Activity feed

Anonymous39 reviewed ercolinux

Escrowed a transaction for him, smooth communication

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

ercolinux56 vouched for Anonymous39

Trusted person

ercolinux56 reviewed Anonymous39

Acted ad escrow for a transaction with me and Elliott.

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

Anonymous39 vouched for pandeussilvae

Trusted person

Blastk0 reviewed Anonymous39

Trusted person

This review is not attached to a Bitrated trade.

Anonymous39 reviewed Radimus

Trade with Radimus as the seller and Anonymous39 as the trust agent.

Anonymous39 reviewed filippounits

Trade with filippounits as the buyer and Anonymous39 as the trust agent.

Radimus3 reviewed Anonymous39

Trade with Anonymous39 as the trust agent and Radimus as the seller.

filippounits59 reviewed Anonymous39

Trade with Anonymous39 as the trust agent and filippounits as the buyer.

BitcoinVeneto44 vouched for Anonymous39

Really good member of the bitcoin community, trusted person

Anonymous39 vouched for BitcoinVeneto

Trusted person

ghibly7979 vouched for Anonymous39

Good standing member of the bitcoin community and trustworthy person. Helped me bust a scammer.

Anonymous39 vouched for ghibly79

Trusted bitcoin seller

Anonymous39 reviewed filippounits

Trade with filippounits as the trust agent and Anonymous39 as the seller.

Anonymous39 reviewed Drai

Trade with Drai as the buyer and Anonymous39 as the seller.