
HostFat201 vouched for Anonymous39

trusted person / persona di fiducia

mikexine117 vouched for Anonymous39

I know him personally, he’s a good and trusted guy :)

bertani111 vouched for Anonymous39

Trusted user/trader, I know him in person

ghibly7979 vouched for Anonymous39

Good standing member of the bitcoin community and trustworthy person. Helped me bust a scammer.

filippounits59 vouched for Anonymous39

definitely trusted person

ercolinux56 vouched for Anonymous39

Trusted person

BitcoinVeneto44 vouched for Anonymous39

Really good member of the bitcoin community, trusted person

Alchimista32 vouched for Anonymous39

Had some trades with him in the past, trustworthy user.

kelpy25 vouched for Anonymous39

Trusted person! A lot of trades with him.

Mdx762 vouched for Anonymous39

smooth trade, you can trust this user

mmnd21752 vouched for Anonymous39

I need your escrow service as i am about to buy the service regarding my website. How to start as i am new here.

nollywod785-2 vouched for Anonymous39

My name is Jonathan Demme, am from France i will brief you more oncei hear from you as soon as possible i will like to discuss with you,but not here in bitrated email me to (dj76354641@gmail.com)

With Regards Jonathan Demme

chongsetdmt-2 vouched for Anonymous39

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